Profile PictureErica Bethke

EDB: What Lives in the Desert?

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EDB: What Lives in the Desert?


Invite your students to meet some of the animals of the Mojave desert in the American southwest. This can also be used as a reward game or brain break. Many of my students enjoy creating stories about the animals and what they are doing or which of the other animals they are eating!

This file also includes discussion questions, teacher notes, and a world map.

This file no longer includes sentence frames as seen in the video. Two new animals have been added since the video was created. You can see them in the preview image and in the shorter video with music.

Each of the 8 animal images can be moved, resized, and duplicated inside the ClassIn blackboard space.

Look out for the rest of my habitat series that includes: island, African plain +river, jungle, bamboo forest, coral reef, mountains (north and south america), and arctic + antaractic (cold/glacier).

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1 EDB with discussion questions, teacher notes, and a world map.

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